Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Vocabulary #1

Chronological- Arranged in order in which events happened.
The bard told the events of his tale in a chronological order

Continuity- a continuous quality
When writing a story it is important to keep the continuity of a characters personality traits. 

Empathy- The ability to share someone else's feelings.
She lacked empathy and mocked the man in mourning.

Altruism- unselfish regard or devotion to the welfare of others.
He was very altruistic and was always offering help when it was not asked for.

Archetype- a perfect example of something.
he believed that his brother was the archetype of musicians because his brother could play all instruments.

Bane- killer, slayer
He used the Dragon's band to protect the city from the destructive beast.

Devious- willing to lie or cheat to get what s desired.
The devious man hid cards up his  sleeve as he played card games.

Machiavellian - cleaver and deceitful.
It was a Machiavellian battle for control.

Unscrupulous- not honest nor fair.
he was unscrupulous in his work ethic and often double booked his dealings.

Debauch - 1 to corrupt by intemperance or sensuality. 2 to make disloyal. 
He was debauched and betrayed his king for the beauty of a woman. 

Mar- to detract from the beauty or the wholeness of. 
His face and body was seriously marred by the brutal beating. 

Ensconce- to firmly place or hide.
He ensconced himself high in the branches of the trees. 

Haughty- having an insulting attitude because of  arrogance. 
His haughty attitude often aggravated his coworkers.

Lachrymose-tearful or mournful. 
My grandfather became very lachrymose at this brother's funeral.

Crepuscular- active at dawn or dusk.

Acquiesce- to agree to by way of not arguing.
They demanded their terms be met he decided to acquiesce.

Epistolary- written in the form of a series of letters.

Polemic- a strong written or spoken attack against someone's beliefs

Equivocate- to speak ambiguously

Obstreperous- noisy and  boisterous

Titter- to giggle quietly.

Esoteric- obscure.

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