accolade - an award or an expression of praise.
He received an accolade of his valor in battle.
acerbity- quality of expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a cleaver way
The magazine contained acerbic criticism of modern literature and films.
attrition- the act of defeating an enemy gradually by slowly weakening them through constant attacks over a period of time.
With their enemies taking cover within their fortress, the general decided to win the war through attrition.
bromide- a statement that is intended to calm or sooth someone but in neither very effective no original
The doctor made a very bromides statement about how the patient would feel no pain through the procedure.
chauvinist- an attitude of superiority towards members of the opposite gender.
The male chauvinist had no respect for the women around him.
chronic-continuing or occurring again and again for a long time
Stacie suffers form chronic back pain.
expound- to explain or state something.
The magazine expounds the development process of the latest game.
factionalism - a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group.
The faction of the party decided that they needed to take action and left before the others.
immaculate: Perfectly clean
the doctor's office was immaculate and absolutely spotless.
imprecation : an offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry
Curse words are examples of imprecation
ineluctable- not able to be avoided or changed
Once a dragon is enraged its wrath is ineluctable
mercurial : changing moods quickly and often
palliate: to make the effects of an illness less painful, harmful, or harsh
protocol: a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations
In a firs aid situation it is protocol to first assess the situation before physically contacting the victim in any manner then calling the ambulance if necessary.
resplendent- very bright and attractive
Advertisements are made to be resplendent to attract customers.
stigmatize: to mark with a stigmata.
sub rosa: in confidence
vainglory-excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one's achievements
the Vainglory that he expressed several months after he had won the tournament wan annoying.
vestige-the last small part that remains of something that existed before.
The vestige of the city after the bombing was left abandoned many years ago.
volition-the power to make your own choices or decisions
Legally volition is gained when one turns 18.
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