Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Steve

We all know that Steve Jobs is the founder and CEO of the company known as Apple. His company revolutionized the industry with products such as the iPod, iPhone, and of course the original Mac. Generally that is where our knowledge of the man ends. In his speech 'You Have to Find What You Love,' he briefly tells three of his life stories to inspire others to work towards their dreams. In these stories he tells you the truth to his success. In his first story he explains that he dropped out of college when he realized that it was taking him nowhere, which in turn allowed him to take the drop in classes that he really found to be interesting; i.e. the calligraphy class. The true moral of the story is to reflecting upon your past and connecting the dots. The calligraphy class that I mentioned earlier, well because of that class Steve was able to create the decorative font used in the Macs. If not for the class he wouldn't have created the beautiful typography used within all apple products. With the second story he tells us that you have to do what you love. For those whom don't know He was actually fired from Apple at age 30. A few years later he was brought back , the experience showed him how much he truly cared for the work that he did. The last story was about pushing yourself, to live each day as if it were your last. That's what Steve Jobs did. As part of his thirs story he claims that everyday for 33 years he looked himself in the mirror and asked "what if this is the last day of my life?". All in all his advise boiled down to four things.(in his own words)
1 Connect the dots
2 The only way to work great is to love what you do
3 Your time is limited don't waist your time living someone else's life
4 Stay Hungary. Stay foolish.

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